Willem Popp

Headshot of Willem-Popp smiling wearing glasses and a checked shirt.

Readable technology writing

Editorial Services

Need help with your technology writing?

Struggling to find the time to put your ideas down on paper?

I can help you research, write and edit a full range of technology documents.

Content discovery > Ghost writing > Editing > Proof reading

Content Discovery

As a former journalist and business analyst, I have the skills and experience to dig deep and elicit the right information to build a comprehensive view of any topic.


  • Have an idea, but not sure where to start?
  • Need someone trained in formal and informal research techniques?
  • My research experience includes academic studies, journalism investigation and technology requirements gathering.


  • Your staff may have the knowledge, but can they put pen to paper?
  • I use a range of interview techniques to extract critical information from your team.
  • This information is then converted into strawman text documents for review and further development as needed.


With over 20 years of experience in the ICT sector, I can compose a full range of technology papers.

White Papers

Share your IP with your clients by publishing a white paper to fully inform them of the pros and cons of any topic.

Client Presentations

Put your best foot forward with well-written documents using plain language that your clients will understand.

Board Papers

Board papers need to inform their audience with just enough technical knowledge to get the point across.


Editing to improve comprehension, structure and overall expression. Includes proofreading, plus:
  • Plain English re-writing tailored for document audience.
  • Re-structuring to ensure readability. Does it “tell the story”?
  • Check the logic and accuracy of facts.
  • Technology sense check.


Review publication-ready copy for spelling, punctuation, and grammar. Includes:

  • Correct spelling, grammar, punctuation, case consistency.
  • Remove or explain complex terminology and spell out acronyms.
  • Check layout and fonts.

Ready to take the next step and work together?