Willem Popp

Headshot of Willem-Popp smiling wearing glasses and a checked shirt.

Readable technology writing

My Clients

About you

Are you a technology professional who loves to get technical but doesn’t have the time to put pen to paper for that company presentation?

Is English your second language? Are you fluid in spoken English but find it hard to express your ideas in written English?

Do you manage a team of experts who bring their own unique styles to everything they write, creating a masterpiece of inconsistent copy?

If you answered yes to any of the above, then contact me to see how I can help improve your written communication. I have been writing professionally for over three decades for some of the biggest technology companies and newspapers across the world.

Companies I have worked for

News media I have written for

Willem reviewed our capability statement for IT Cubed. His writing expertise removed the fluff and cut to the value offering in a simple and direct way.

Richard StocktonFounder, IT Cubed
Bringing things together

Ready to take the next step and work together?