Willem Popp

Headshot of Willem-Popp smiling wearing glasses and a checked shirt.

Readable technology writing

LinkedIn Advisory Services

LinkedIn is the pre-eminent engagement platform for professionals around the world. Hosting a company Page is essential for organisations to spruik their wares in this digital age.

With my unique blend of journalism and technology, I have the skills to convert your digital copy for the social media stage.

Posting strategy > Content creation > Operating model >Service management

Posting Strategy

Content Strategy

  • Variety is the key to publishing on social media, including LinkedIn.
  • Your Posts should include a mix of text, images, video, and documents.

Publishing Rhythm

  • Timing and consistency are critical to engaging on social media and LinkedIn is no exception.
  • You need to Post frequently and at the right times to maximise your customer impact.

Content Creation

Lost for ideas? Struggling to find the right words?

I can create content for your internet and social media channels that tell your story in plain English.

Website Content

  • Does your website content read well?
  • Does it tell your story and match your delivery goals?
  • I can edit your content to ensure it is consistent across all mediums.

Social Media Posts

  • Social media content is ephemeral: here today, gone tomorrow.
  • You need to grab your audience’s attention quickly to “stop the scroll”.
  • I bring a journalist’s news sense to all my social media writing and ensure I capture the reader’s attention from the get-go.

Operating Model

  • Design a manageable operating system for your staff to post on a regular basis.
  • Develop a Posting Calendar to ensure content is prepared, approved, and posted in a timely fashion.

Service Management

LinkedIn is a social media animal: it needs to be fed on a regular basis.

I can work with your team to manage your LinkedIn company Page to ensure you get regular engagement with your clients.

Content Management

  • Prepare social media-ready content based on your corporate marketing material.
    • Refresh
    • Cycling

Ready to take the next step and work together?