Willem Popp

Headshot of Willem-Popp smiling wearing glasses and a checked shirt.

Readable technology writing

Packaged Services

Understanding LinkedIn company pages > Establishing a LinkedIn content strategy > LinkedIn managed service

Understanding LinkedIn Company Pages

Initial consultation session to explain how LinkedIn Company Pages work and how TWS can help you maximise your “reach” and “engagement”.

This is a run-through of the “Dos” and “Don’ts” of posting based on the LinkedIn algorithm.

  • When to post and how often.
  • How to write a Post (structure, layout, the “hook”).
  • What not to do, and why.
  • Post Formats & Content

Session runs for 60-90 minutes via video for up to three client staff.

Book a consultation

Establishing a LinkedIn Content Strategy

A tailored content strategy to maintain a LinkedIn Company Page. 2 days spread over one week.


  • Strategy and Planning to get you up and running.
  • Staff training for agreed resources on mechanics and of Posting.


  • Operating rhythm for posting.
  • Posting Calendar = List of Posts for coming weeks.
  • “How to Post” guidelines & run sheet.
  • Instructions and training
  • Matrix on re-using content in different formats.


  • 3 x Introductory Posts.
  • Outline of journalist approach to writing “newsworthy” Posts.
  • Template for Company Page Posts (including Canva template for Carousels).
Book a consultation

LinkedIn Managed Service

TWS can manage the development and delivery of regular Posts on a Company Page.

  • Minimum of 2 to 4 Posts per week based on your company collateral.
  • Guidance for your team as they post, including “engagement” to boost Posts.
  • Weekly planning meeting with operational staff to map out a schedule of Posts.
  • Ongoing support as required (email, phone, SMS, Teams, Slack).
  • Monthly service review with senior stakeholders to assess success of service.
  • Ongoing advisory on amendments to the LinkedIn algorithm as well as other changes across the platform.

Recommended for a minimum of three months to bed down approach and ongoing commitment to managing company page.

Ready to take the next step and work together?